To promote players to participate in a team sport where they develop commitment and friendships, whilst having enjoyment and fun
Montrose Netball Club uniform consists of:
Montrose Netball Club A-line dress
Montrose Netball Club hoodie (not compulsory, optional item) * * NEW DESIGN * *
Montrose Netball Club training top (not compulsory, optional item)
Black or Navy blue bloomers / boy legs sports briefs (note: bike shorts are not permitted)
White sporting socks (note: black socks are not part of our uniform)
Sporting shoes (note: no volleys or canvas shoes are allowed)
U9 only - can wear black full length leggings and/or black top underneath the dresses in cooler weather
U11, U13, U15, U17, Open only - can wear a black top underneath the dresses in cooler weather
Inclusive Uniform Requirements: Montrose Netball Club training top (velcro to be attached to the top) and navy shorts
Uniform items may be purchased or ordered by completing the uniform order form. Click on the pdf icon to view our uniform order form for further details, including prices.
For any uniform enquiries please contact our Uniform Coordinator (Sue Fraser) on 0439 800 490.
Second hand uniforms are available for selling and buying through our club Facebook page:
Note - any of the uniform items posted on this site are between the buyer and seller direct. Please only contact our club if you are unsuccessful in finding or selling a uniform item and require and new one instead. Facebook Admin can be contacted via messenger for any issues / questions.